Thursday, June 4, 2009

Finding the New Post button

Ok now this is no excuse I know, but it honestly took me about 10 minutes to even figure out how to CONTINUE blogging! Dysfunctional?

This is going to be quick but if I don't tell the world, I'll sit here in my corner of Kearns feeling like nothing is ever going to get better.

I'm JOBLESS!!! Yes folks, I've lost my job, looked everywhere, can't find it, it's just gone! JK (it's a story not for everyone, I might tell you if you want to know.) But despite my joblessness, I'm trying to stay positive. I kind of feel like I've backed myself into an impossibly failure filled corner, and taking one step forward is like jumping off a cliff.

I have a plan. It's a good just requires effort, which, if you know me, isn't one of my strongest attributes. I guess I'm a bit of a slacker, that's hard to admit. But when it comes to real life... like house payments, bills, the constant rising stress level of my sweet husband, the slack needs to be severly rained in! I'm not saying I don't try, I just don't know? I have really pointless rebellion issues - I don't want to have to try, I want to be one of those intitlement people who just get everything with no effort and expect it that way forever.

No, that's absolutely not true, I loath those people. I at least take resposnibility for my slack. I know why I'm "here". It's just that getting out of "here" and back into good is going to take a little effort, and it's hard for me to change my habbits.

I need to be a little more focused, reach a small goal, and then another, and then eventually acheiving goals will be a habbit and I'll stop feeling like a failure. Dave told me the greatest quote yesterday that he heard from one of his bosses - "Failure is an event, not a person" This shall be my mantra. I am not a failure. I've just hit a little road block...time to find a detour, and ...well, for now all I have is time :O)

Love you all, don't worry - I'm ok


  1. Thanks for blogging. I'm glad you found that "new post" button. I think I will call you immediately. I'm feeling much of the same way these days. Let's talk.

  2. It appears that it took a major rumble in your little world to loosen your cybertongue...for whatever reason, I'm glad you're posting! We LOVE you! You're nowhere near a failure!!! Remember the turtle button you got that one night at Primary Children's? It sat there on our bulletin board until last fall, stating this very thing--"I'm ok, I'm ok." So, you are. XOXO
